The American Dream
Landscapers Google Images For this blog post of today, I listened to a podcast from Latino USA called "The American Dream Daughter: A conversation with author Karla Cornejo Villavicencio" aired on November 3rd 2020. I listened to this program hosted by Maria Hinojosa with guest speaker Karla on November 18, 2020. From listening to this podcast I learned about Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, a DACA student born from immigrant parents who is the poster child for having achieved "The American Dream". I like this topic because it's a story I can relate to in many ways. Guest speaker Karla was able to tell the audience about herself and how she came to be who she is today. She is a Harvard graduate working on her Ph D at Yale, she has achieved success many can only dream about. With hard working immigrant parents she was fortunate to have the opportunity to gain success. I really enjoyed this podcast because I felt I can relate in many ways to the hardships she went thr...