
Showing posts from December, 2020

Telling my Humanities Story

  The only book I read What I've read in 2020: In 2020, I managed to read only one book that I can recall, that book was the Popol Vuh by Allen J. Christenson. Christenson, Allen J. Popol Vuh: The Sacred Book of the Maya . This book is a translation of a sacred Maya text. This book goes over what the Maya believe is the creation of earth, life, and the Gods they believe in. For this class, the theme that I choose was "What roles men and women play?". Instead of working with a group, I decided to do the project on my own. Closer to do the due date, I kind of regretted not being in a group because I actually had to do all of the work. I didn't really like much of the project, I think trying to involve arts, ideas, skills, and institutions was difficult for me to do. I think I could have done better had I taken more time than just two days worth of work. Here is a hyperlink to my project . Thinking back to my first week in this humanities course, I expected to learn much...

Dorothea Lange

 A Documentary Photographer White Angel Breadline, San Francisco Dorothea Lange, 1933      Looking through the Google Arts and Culture website, the form of art that stood out most to me is the photograph White Angel Breadline taken by Dorothea Lange. This photograph, as a gift from Dorothea Lange's second husband, is now part of the Oakland Museum of California, a photograph taken in the year 1933 during the era of the Great Depression in the United States that started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930's. Having learned of the Great Depression era, this picture was really captivating in that the artist was able to capture what poverty and struggle looked like. This photo was taken outside of a soup kitchen where a lot of hungry people gathered in hopes of getting a meal (Google Arts and Culture). The kitchen was run by Lois Jordan the "white angel" hence the title of the photograph the White Angel Breadline . Dorothea Lange was an artist most known for her Depr...