The Olmec People
Olmec Colossal Stone Head San Lorenzo Maribel Ponce Ixba For this blog post, I have watched an hour long video and read an article provided to me that both present the topic of the Olmec people. The man that did the video got to visit multiple sites where the Olmec people were said to have lived. He visited these sites and got to see many artifacts and monuments that were created by hand thousands of years ago. An example would be the image on the left of one of the many Colossal heads from San Lorenzo, Vera Cruz. He got to visit museums where he was able to get exclusive viewings of pieces not displayed to the public and was able to film. He was able to discuss with archeologists what the meaning and beliefs of the Olmec people could have been (Lost 13:30-15). The article goes into detail about the lands these people lived on and the structuring of their city, La Venta. These people were living well for their time, "Excavations at these sites have recovered remains o...