The Olmec People

Olmec Colossal Stone Head, San Lorenzo
Olmec Colossal Stone Head
San Lorenzo
Maribel Ponce Ixba 

 For this blog post, I have watched an hour long video and read an article provided to me that both present the topic of the Olmec people. The man that did the video got to visit multiple sites where the Olmec people were said to have lived. He visited these sites and got to see many artifacts and monuments that were created by hand thousands of years ago. An example would be the image on the left of one of the many Colossal heads from San Lorenzo, Vera Cruz. He got to visit museums where he was able to get exclusive viewings of pieces not displayed to the public and was able to film. He was able to discuss with archeologists what the meaning and beliefs of the Olmec people could have been (Lost 13:30-15). The article goes into detail about the lands these people lived on and the structuring of their city, La Venta. These people were living well for their time, "Excavations at these sites have recovered remains of corn, beans, palm nuts, deer, crocodile, turtle, dog, and a variety of fish bones and mollusks, offering a glimpse of the subsistence base of the ancient Olmec" (Gonzalez Lauck 799). 

Principal Olmec Settlements
Principal Olmec Settlements

In both of these sources, the city La Venta were discussed and mentioned as one of the "most important cities of the Olmec civilization" (Gonzalez Lauck 798). San Lorenzo was said to be of the first cities built but the city where more architectural thought went into was La Venta. In the article the author has a map of the city where monuments and artifacts still stand there today. What was different about these two sources is that the video mentioned more of the other cities and places the Olmec also inhabited or visited (Lost 19:00-19:25). Knowing of their presence in other places is also important when trying to learn more about the Olmec people.


Olmec Stone Mask
Olmec Mask, Greenstone
Jade Koekoe
Before watching the video and reading the article provided to me, I think I can honestly say I knew a bit about the Olmec based on previous assignments. Things that are interesting to me, I tend to remember so I can say I knew a bit about what archeologist believe some artifacts and monuments represent or were used for, "...research at La Venta indicates that monumental sculptures had a specific function and were associated with particular kinds of edifices" ( Gonzalez Lauck 800). Something knew I learned was that the Maya got situated not far from where the Olmec had lived. (Lost 55:45-57:25). It really makes you think of what they learned and if they got inspired from the Olmec.

Works Cited

Cartwright, Mark. “Olmec Civilization.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 9 Sept. 2020,

Cartwright, Mark. “Olmec Colossal Stone Heads.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 9 Sept. 2020,
